Monday, November 19, 2007

Truvie's Thanksgiving Tips, Part One

Here's a fun little Thanksgiving tip for all of you who, like myself, invited your husband's family over Tuesday night for formal Thanksgiving dinner because you feel guilty about not attending their family meal on Thursday. Hmmmmm... it seemed like such a wonderful idea at the time! Anyway, why not go all out this year and do Thanksgiving "right". Macy and I had a great time setting the table today in my best inherited linen and fine china. I mean, if you can't use the best things that you have for your FAMILY, who are you EVER going to use them on? In this day and age of paper EVERYTHING nothing says "special occasion" like a gorgeous table. You know, I don't even MIND all the hand washing afterwards, because those times spent in the kitchen cleaning up with my mother and sister and aunts were some of my best holiday memories!

Besides all that, there's something about dressing up and sitting down to a formal meal that makes everyone be on their very best behavior, a plus for all of you out there, also like myself, who have crazy relatives. So, put that Chinet away and break out the wedding china you almost never use! I promise you, it'll be worth it!


BB said...

i agree, truvie! what a great reason to dress up. btw, looking forward to christmas.

and in case you peeps were wondering, truvie can decorate like nobody's bizness. i know it will be beautiful! :)

AM said...

I want china...guess someone needs to kick the bucket.

Truvie said...

Ha! Al, you so crazy!

BB- thanks, luv! Truvie is going a little crazy here and that helps to motivate! :)

From the Doghouse said...

What if all we registered for at our wedding was Chinet?


Truvie said...

Well, set it out with pride, then! At least but the DELUXE clear plastic forks and spoons! :) It's a HOLIDAY after all!